VIC Rewards — Building and Nurturing Relationships

VIC Rewards Social
2 min readDec 6, 2020

18 November 2020

So many things in life are underpinned by successful productive relationships. This applies to partners, family, work, education, health, wellness and life in general.

Creating loyalty is not about a program of work or creating smart applications, although they critical components, creating loyalty is largely about creating relationships. This means being about to turn your experience into something that establishes ongoing sustainable and positive relationships. That is what makes a rewards program tremendously successful, using incentives and rewards to create relationships that are beneficial for you and your community.

dClinic’s loyalty program VIC Rewards is just that. VIC rewards is part of an ongoing sustainable model that rewards the way we manage our health and wellness while building relationships with a whole community of partners that have the same goals, to build a healthier, happier well world. Our partners are part of the dClinic global community and eco system who continue to work collectively to create the VIC Marketplace. This is where our partners offer products and services that are all aimed at enhancing our lifestyle and health and wellness choices and can be purchased with VIC.

VIC has been positioned to create opportunities for individuals to access services and experiences that continue to sustain and improve your happiness and your lifestyle. VIC is designed to ensure your health and wellness choices are directly linked to your personal value. They give you the ability to make choices about what is valuable to your life and allow you to be rewarded for making choices that support your health, wellness and lifestyle goals.

dClinic has created VIC Rewards because they understand that long term transformation, and sustaining that change is underpinned by relationships. That is why dClinic has created a platform that encourages relationship building and ensures they are built on long term principles of personalised loyalty, sustainability, and change.

Learn more about the VIC Rewards Revolution here



VIC Rewards Social

A comprehensive healthcare ecosystem powered by blockchain.